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- Buy, Sell, Hold ratings,
- Market timing signals,
- Pre & post market extended hours
- Buy, Sell, Hold ratings,
- Market timing signals,
- Pre & post market extended hours

Frequently Asked Questions
$9.95 30-Day Trial
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$9.95 30-Day Trial
then $99/month
$9.95 30-Day Trial
then $149/month
Data Updates | |||
Data Updates | End of Day | 15 min delay | Real-time |
Stock Analysis & Ratings
Value, Safety and Timing + Buy, Sell, Hold Recommendations generated from fundamental and technical analysis.
Stock Analysis & Ratings
Value, Safety and Timing + Buy, Sell, Hold Recommendations generated from fundamental and technical analysis.
Daily Stock Picks
Every day, our VectorVest experts’ hand-select and showcase hot stocks for you to consider.
Daily Stock Picks
Every day, our VectorVest experts’ hand-select and showcase hot stocks for you to consider.
Market Timing
Guidance on daily market conditions and long-term upward or downward momentum tell you when to buy or sell.
Market Timing
Guidance on daily market conditions and long-term upward or downward momentum tell you when to buy or sell.
Screeners & Watchlists
Find tomorrow’s winners today with our powerful stock market screeners. We have pre-set screens for every investment type.
Screeners & Watchlists
Find tomorrow’s winners today with our powerful stock market screeners. We have pre-set screens for every investment type.
Trading Plans
Time-tested and proven investing strategies that tell you what to do and when for consistent results.
Trading Plans
Time-tested and proven investing strategies that tell you what to do and when for consistent results.
Successful Investing Quick Start Course
Learn five simple steps to becoming a smarter and more successful investor.
Successful Investing Quick Start Course
Learn five simple steps to becoming a smarter and more successful investor.
Free Education Courses
Popular free courses for any investor looking to generate consistent returns and explore new trading strategies.
Free Education Courses
Popular free courses for any investor looking to generate consistent returns and explore new trading strategies.
Connect to a partner broker to manage and trade your portfolio directly from VectorVest.
Connect to a partner broker to manage and trade your portfolio directly from VectorVest.
Worldwide Market Analysis
VectorVest’s full analysis of all exchanges in United States, Canada, Australia & Europe.
Worldwide Market Analysis
VectorVest’s full analysis of all exchanges in United States, Canada, Australia & Europe.
Phone Support
Free U.S. based live support to help you trade confidently and realize consistent results.
Phone Support
Free U.S. based live support to help you trade confidently and realize consistent results.
Advanced Trading Stop
Lock in more profits than a traditional stop with VectorVest’s proprietary dynamic trading stop.
Advanced Trading Stop
Lock in more profits than a traditional stop with VectorVest’s proprietary dynamic trading stop.
Successful Investing Coaching Group
Live coaching group designed to help you get the most out of VectorVest and grow your portfolio.
Successful Investing Coaching Group
Live coaching group designed to help you get the most out of VectorVest and grow your portfolio.
ProTrader: Technical Searches
Pre-built and customizable searches that find technical breakouts for you without having to analyze charts.
ProTrader: Technical Searches
Pre-built and customizable searches that find technical breakouts for you without having to analyze charts.
AutoTimer: Trading Plan Automation
Before you risk a dollar, test your strategies to develop a solid foundation for your trading plan. Then, AutoTimer will alert you whenever you need to make a trade.
AutoTimer: Trading Plan Automation
Before you risk a dollar, test your strategies to develop a solid foundation for your trading plan. Then, AutoTimer will alert you whenever you need to make a trade.
WatchDog: Advanced Trade Alerts
Around-the-clock tool that analyzes technical data, tick-by-tick, alerting you when your stocks meet a specific price.
WatchDog: Advanced Trade Alerts
Around-the-clock tool that analyzes technical data, tick-by-tick, alerting you when your stocks meet a specific price.
Basic | Enhanced | Save $139! Premium Coaching |
$9.95 for your first 30 days No risk. Cancel anytime. |
$9.95 for your first 30 days No risk. Cancel anytime. |
$9.95 for your first 30 days No risk. Cancel anytime. |
Data Updates
End of Day | 15 Min-Delay | Real-time |
Successful Investing Coaching Group Live coaching group designed to help you get the most out of VectorVest and grow your portfolio. |
Stock Analysis & Ratings Value, Safety and Timing + Buy, Sell, Hold Recommendations generated from fundamental and technical analysis. |
Daily Stock Picks Every day our VectorVest experts’ hand-select and showcase hot stocks for you to consider. |
Market Timing Guidance on daily market conditions and long-term upward or downward momentum tell you when to buy or sell. |
Screeners & Watchlists Find tomorrow’s winners today with our powerful stock market screeners. We have pre-set screens for every investment type. |
Trading Plans Time tested and proven investing strategies that tell you what to do and when for consistent results. |
Successful Investing Quick Start Course Learn five simple steps to becoming a smarter and more successful investor. |
Free Education Courses Popular free courses for any investor looking to generate consistent returns and explore new trading strategies. |
TradeNow Connect to a partner broker to manage and trade your portfolio directly from VectorVest. |
Worldwide Market Analysis VectorVest’s full analysis of all exchanges in United States, Canada, Australia & Europe. |
Phone Support Free U.S. based live support to help you trade confidently and realize consistent results. |
Advanced Trading Stop Lock in more profits than a traditional stop with VectorVest’s proprietary dynamic trading stop. |
Successful Investing Coaching Group Live coaching group designed to help you get the most out of VectorVest and grow your portfolio. |
ProTrader: Technical Searches Pre-Built and customizable searches that find technical breakouts for you without having to analyze charts. |
AutoTimer: Trading Plan Automation Before you risk a dollar, test your strategies to develop a solid foundation for your trading plan. Then, AutoTimer will alert you whenever you need to make a trade. |
WatchDog: Advanced Trade Alerts Around the clock tool that analyzes technical data, tick-by-tick, alerting you when your stocks meet a specific price. |