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26 12, 2017

Stocking Stuffers – 2017

By |2022-11-16T13:34:35+00:00December 26th, 2017|Categories: The Views, VectorVest|Tags: , , , , , |

We have received a number of requests for another edition of last year’s pre-Christmas essay called Stocking Stuffers. These requests were prompted by the fact that the eight stocks I recommended were up an average of 49.20% as of yesterday’s Close. That’s pretty good, but I couldn’t have done it without VectorVest. As I write [...]

31 05, 2017

Beware of Marketing Machines

By |2022-11-16T13:34:35+00:00May 31st, 2017|Categories: The Views, VectorVest|Tags: , , , |

The mission of VectorVest Inc., is to “Provide the best stock market guidance available anywhere at any price.” To give you an example of this, I’d like to share a recent experience of how we compare to one of the biggest players in the business. Earlier this week, I received an email from a service [...]

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