Advanced Micro Devices – AMD Stock Forecast & Analysis

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Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Advanced Micro Devices
Electronic (Semicndtr Mfg)
2.41 [1.89 %]
Business Description: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. engages in the provision of semiconductor businesses. It operates through the following segments: Data Center, Client, Gaming, and Embedded.
STOCK GRAPH (3 months)
AMD is undervalued, has well above average safety, and is currently rated a Sell.
REC reflects the cumulative effect of all the VectorVest parameters working together. These parameters are designed to help investors buy safe, undervalued stocks rising in price.
Current Price: $130.15
Current Value: $157.30
AMD has a current Value of $157.30 per share; compared to a Price of $130.15 per share, this stock is currently undervalued. Value is computed from forecasted earnings per share, forecasted earnings growth, profitability, interest, and inflation rates.
RV is an indicator of long-term price appreciation potential. AMD has an RV of 1.55, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. This indicator is far superior to a simple comparison of Price and Value because it is computed from an analysis of projected price appreciation three years out, AAA Corporate Bond Rates, and risk.
SAFETY (Relative Safety/RS)
RS is an indicator of risk. AMD has an RS of 1.32, which is very good on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RS is computed from an analysis of the consistency and predictability of a company's financial performance, debt to equity ratio, sales volume, business longevity, price volatility and other factors.
TIMING (Relative Timing/RT)
RT analyzes a stock's price trend. AMD has a Relative Timing of 0.64, which is poor on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RT is computed from an analysis of the direction, magnitude, and dynamics of a stock's price movements day-over-day, week-over-week, quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year. If a trend dissipates, RT will gravitate toward 1.00.
OVERALL RATING (Value-Safety-Timing/VST)
VST is the master indicator for ranking every stock in the VectorVest database. AMD has a VST rating of 1.19, which is good on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. VST is computed from the square root of a weighted sum of the squares of RV, RS, and RT. Stocks with the highest VST ratings have the best combinations of Value, Safety and Timing.
STOP (Stop-Price)
Stop Price: $134.58
Stop is an indicator of when to sell a position. AMD has a Stop of $134.58 per share. A stock's Stop is computed from a 13 week moving average of its closing prices, and is fine-tuned according to the stock's fundamentals.
CI (Comfort Index)
CI is an indicator which reflects a stock's ability to resist severe and/or lengthy price declines. AMD has a CI of 0.50, which is poor on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. CI is based solely upon a stock's long-term price history.

GRT (Earnings Growth Rate): GRT reflects a company's one to three year forecasted earnings growth rate in percent per year. AMD has a forecasted Earnings Growth Rate of 28.00 %, which VectorVest considers to be excellent.

EPS (Earnings per Share): EPS stands for leading 12 months Earnings Per Share. AMD has a forecasted EPS of $4.98 per share. VectorVest determines this forecast from a combination of recent earnings performance and traditional fiscal and/or calendar year earnings forecasts.

P/E (Price to Earnings Ratio): P/E shows the dollars required to buy one dollar of earnings. AMD has a P/E of 26.13. The average P/E of all the stocks in the VectorVest database is 74.54.

EY (Earnings Yield): EY reflects earnings per share as a percent of Price. AMD has an EY of 3.83 %. This is above the current average of 1.34 % for all the stocks in the VectorVest database.

GPE (Growth to P/E Ratio):  AMD has a GPE rating of 1.07. This stock, with a GPE greater than 1.00, is commonly considered to be undervalued.

DIV (Dividend):   VectorVest reports annual, regular, cash dividends as indicated by the most recent payments. Special distributions, one-time payments, stock dividends, etc., are not generally included in DIV. AMD does not pay a dividend.

DY (Dividend Yield): DY reflects dividend per share as a percent of Price. AMD does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Yield rating. DY equals 100 x (DIV/Price). It is useful to compare DY with EY. If DY is not significantly lower than EY, the dividend payment may be in jeopardy.

DS (Dividend Safety): DS is an indicator of the assurance that regular cash dividends will be declared and paid at current or at higher rates for the foreseeable future. AMD does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Safety rating. Stocks with DS values above 75 typically have RS values well above 1.00 and EY levels that are much higher than DY.

DG (Dividend Growth Rate): Dividend Growth is a forecasted annual growth rate of a company's dividend based on historical dividend payments and dividend predictability. It is a subtle yet important indicator of a company's financial performance. It also provides some insight into the board's outlook on the company's ability to increase earnings. AMD does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Growth rating.

YSG (YSG-Vector): YSG is an indicator which combines DY, DS and DG into a single value, and allows direct comparison of all dividend-paying stocks in the database. AMD does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a YSG rating. Stocks with the highest YSG values have the best combinations of Dividend Yield, Safety and Growth. These are the stocks to buy for somewhat above current income and long-term growth.

AvgVol:  AvgVol is the 50 day moving average of daily volume as computed by VectorVest. AMD has an AvgVol of 34,389,724 shares traded per day.

%Vol:  %Vol reflects the percent change in today's trading volume as compared to the AvgVol. %Vol equals ((Volume - AvgVol) / AvgVol ) * 100. AMD had a %Vol of 30.68 % on Wednesday, December 11, 2024

%PRC: AMD Price changed 1.89 % from the prior day's closing price.

Sales: AMD has annual sales of 24,295,000,000

Sales Growth: Sales Growth is the Sales Growth Rate in percent over the last 12 months. AMD has a Sales Growth of 18.00 % per year. This is very good.

Sales Per Share (SPS): AMD has annual sales of $14.97 per share.

Price to Sales Ratio (P/S): AMD has a P/S of 8.69.

Shares: AMD has 1,622,000,000 shares of stock outstanding.

Market Capitalization: AMD has a Market Capitalization of 211,208,000,000.

Business Sector: AMD has been assigned to the Electronic Business Sector. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors.

Industry Group: AMD has been assigned to the Electronic (Semicndtr Mfg) Industry Group. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors.



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