From the Desk of Tobin Smith: Special Investing Technology Alert

I want to share an amazing investing secret with you.

Using just one simple technology, your stock market profits (11/1/07 to 4/21/14) would have been 44 TIMES MORE over a simple “buy and hold” of the S&P 500 index over the same time period.

The proof is right here.

$10,000 invested in S&P 500 Index
turned into $11,675 in SEVEN years...
But with the amazing system I’m sharing with you today, $10,000 turned into $85,755
in the exact same time!

Chart of SFS1/2/3 and the other indexes from VectorVest

This system simply blew away the
S&P 500—757.55% to 11.67%

This amazing performance was delivered to average everyday investors just like you in just a few minutes a day. Trust me…if these results were not true, I could not publish them.

So What is This “Magic” Stock Market
44X Profit Making Machine?

The name of this amazing technology comes from a name you may know—VectorVest. Since 1988 its creator Dr. Bart DiLiddo has been perfecting the world’s most successful investment analysis platform.

I have been a big fan for years.

But…with the real results of their Sure-Fire Success trading system they recently developed…

…I have gone from big fan to crazy over-the-top super fan…and am now using and profiting from this amazing service everyday…in up and down markets!

Try the Sure-Fire Trading System Now!

Outperforming the overall market as
much as 44X is literally as simple as 1-2-3:

Click on their Sure-Fire Success system and you get all you need to massively outperform the markets—in bull and bear markets too—it doesn’t matter!

Screen shot of Sure Fire Success Wizard

  • Step 1: Is it safe to buy? When the Daily Action plan says “Buy”…
  • Step 2: Which stocks to buy or short…which VectorVest tells you.
  • Step 3: SELL when the system says to sell—and count the profits.

Do it again, again and again.

All from the comfort of your laptop or desktop PC…and in just minutes a day.

YES…it really IS that simple—and YES it takes just a few clicks a day to consistently KILL the overall market return.

How Well Can You Do with the
Sure-Fire Daily Action Plan?

Before they introduced their new Sure-Fire trading system, VectorVest conducted over 4,000 historical portfolio tests between Nov 2007 thru 10/5/2012.  

Their top performing trading systems had an astonishing 90.69% average success rate—even during some of the worst market conditions investors have ever faced!  

Remember—VectorVest’s Sure-Fire Trading Systems allows you to make money in both down AND rising markets.

Which chart would you rather have your portfolio look like: a roller coaster?

CHART OF S&P 500 Nov 2007 to April 2014CHART OF S&P 500 Nov 2007 to 10/5/12

or a one-sided pyramid heading ever higher?

CHART OF Portfolio

A grand total of 720 portfolios were tested, averaging a winning percentage of 90.69% and an annualized gain of 84.18%.

Better yet, these stock scans have demonstrated the ability to outperform the S&P 500 by more than 1,300%.*

That number is not a typo.

VectorVest’s tests show that the average annualized rate of return of over 720, 18-month portfolios gained 84.18%, while the S&P averaged an annual gain of 6.07% over the same test periods.

Do the math my friend and that’s a 1,394% increase or 13 times BETTER performance than the buy and hold S&P 500 Index investor.

Question: How would YOUR retirement plan look with 13 Times MORE PROFIT than the overall market?

Picture of a PROSPEROUS looking 50-something couple

How does the system work?

You could say that when intelligent money management is paired with great stock selection and accurate market timing, you finally take control of your portfolio…

…but the geeky answer is algorithms…lots and lots and lots of very sophisticated mathematical algorithms.

What’s an algorithm?

An algorithm (pronounced AL-go-rith-um) is a procedure or formula for solving a problem…in this case via computer programs written and tested by VectorVest math geeks.

The problem VectorVest has mathematically solved since 1988 is what stocks to buy/sell/hold…so think of algorithms as automated rules for…

WHAT ARE THE MOST profitable stocks to buy and sell!

If you look “under the hood” of the VectorVest math machine, you will see real time and historical data tested against thousands of portfolios on on a daily basis.

Why? To discover WHICH buy and sell rules work best—to find out which mathematic formula or logic beats the buy and hold market the MOST!

VectorVest has been discovering and automating their market beating rules since 1988 and guess what…

…ONCE they discover and confirm market timing and stock buy/sell rules that work—they turn that “formula” into an algorithm which does ALL that amazing math work for us with just a few clicks of a mouse.

Try the Sure-Fire Trading System Now!

What’s great about VectorVest?
THEY do all the math work—
WE GET all the benefits.

There is no perfect market timing and stock selection system (illegal high frequency trading aside!)…but what VectorVest’s computer systems do for you is greatly improve your batting average of winning investments vs. losing ones.

The higher your winning stock picking percentage goes, the more money you make…and with the Sure-Fire Trading system you are guaranteed to blow the average stock market return away.

VectorVest has made the incredibly hard and valuable mathematics of winning market and stock analysis simple...

…then they boiled it down to ONE click in their Sure-Fire Trading System.

The results sounded too good to be true…UNTIL I saw the actual trade results myself.

FACT: VectorVest has correctly made EVERY
charge major market call since 1991—amazing.

How satisfied have their subscribers been with VectorVest products?

Amy H,
Wears Valley, TN, USA
Love the Sure-Fire Success strategy! For the first time ever, I have gains in every single holding. Keep up the great’ve got a client for life!
Wilton, CT, USA
photo of JBMy own results confirm the Sure-Fire success strategy does work in the real world. I’m up 41.5% in 7 months.
Ron M, Chandler, AZ, USA Your sure-Fire Success Systems are the most fantastic thing I’ve seen in 20-plus years of investing. Don’t change anything and keep doing what you are doing!
Jim T,
Jupiter, FL, USA
Your Sure-Fire Success Systems are the finest I’ve ever seen for consistent winning performance. Thanks again for VectorVest’s excellent work.
Linda E.,
Apollow Beach, FL, USA
Photo of Linda EI love spending time with my granddaughter...and I can because VectorVest helped me retire three years early!.... Four months ago, I retired three years early from my career as a cardiac nurse and I owe that to VectorVest. Watch my video!
Metamora, OH, USA
photo of JSI don’t even start trading until I read what VectorVest thinks. The best program ever!
Tom S,
Photo of Tom SAs a retired exec from the investment game, I’ve seen a lot of presentations. This one of yours by Dan M. was one of the best I’ve ever seen. Excellent! Thanks...BTW, I have real money in the (Sure-Fire Success Trading System) portfolio w/ goal of hitting a 25% return in 2013. On track today w/ 24.28% to date. MU hit its 50% stop on Friday
Paul B,
Wiltshire, UK
Photo of Paul BFantastic product, fantastic service. I’ve been trading for 13 years and have never come across ANYTHING like it before. It’s so reasonably priced too. It’s paid for itself many times over. I would recommend it to everyone.
Comox, BC, Canada
Photo of DWI have subscribed to many stock selection services in the past. Vectorvest is the only one I use now. It’s market timing indicator and evaluation model gives me the information to know when to buy and sell. I highly recommend it!
Steve T,
ON, Canada
photo of Steve TI’ve used VectorVest since 2008. It’s a great tool to understand the overall trend and health of the market, and to identify specific stocks and ETFs. It’s awesome.

Here’s a little Secret:
My Own Subscribers Use VectorVest, too

Using the basic VectorVest simple technology, many of my own Next Big Thing Insider PRO and NBT Emerging Growth investment newsletter subscribers “cherry pick” our stock and ETF recommendations….and easily double their profit results vs. buy and hold of the entire portfolio.

I do it myself…truth be told.

In short…I’ve found a way to “turbocharge” the results my subscribers and I have been getting in both my Next Big Thing investment just a few minutes a day.

You Can Prove This Amazing System
Works As Promised YOURSELF
Without Risking A DIME of your Money

Paper trading (even though it’s done without any paper at all) lets you practice the Sure-Fire trading system without risking a penny.

Take all the time you need (ok... 5 weeks!) and track your actual results until you are 100% convinced the Sure-Fire Success Trading System will work for you as I have described.

VectorVest Sure-Fire Trading System GUARANTEE: VectorVest guarantees that a VectorVest Sure-Fire Success trading system that you select will outperform the S&P 500 Index in the period ending 12 months from the date of your trading system selection, or the 12 month price of your subscription will be refunded up to $1,295.00. Past performance is not a guarantee of future profits. This guarantee does not cover any trading losses that you may incur.

Bottom-Line—You Have to SEE THIS Amazing Stock Trading System for Yourself...What do You Have to Lose?

If for no other reason than to look at how YOUR stocks are rated by the amazing VectorVest system, you should go here NOW for a 5-week trial of VectorVest technology for just $9.95.

But for the BIG reveal you MUST try the amazing Sure-Fire Trading System for yourself…If you’re anything like me you will be blown away at how easy it is to beat the market by 10, 20, 30, even 44 times using the Sure-Fire System.

Prefer to call? Call toll-free 1-888-658-7638
M-F 7am-1am; Sat 9am-5pm (EST).

Your 100% RISK-FREE  5-Week Trial is HERE!

Don’t Procrastinate—there is NO RISK—
only REGRET if you fail to see these results for yourself!

Try the Sure-Fire Trading System Now!

Yours for Market Smashing Returns in Bull and Bear Markets,

Tobin Smith
Next Big Thing Investor

PS: You will LOVE the profits you roll up tax FREE in a retirement account with the Sure-Fire System—it will feel almost illegal!

PSS: The 2014 market is going to be a LOT rockier than 2013—with VectorVest math geeks on your side you will be ready for any kind of market—JOIN NOW!


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