The Options JumpStarter

6 Weeks to Profitable Options Trading

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The Options JumpStarter

6 Weeks to Profitable Options Trading

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A complete step-by-step system that shows you how to buy Calls & Puts to profit in both up & down markets.

We will take you by the hand and guide you through the EXACT step-by-step Option Profit System you need, so you can leverage your money with options. In the next 6-weeks, you will be able to confidently find, set-up and manage the right option trade at the right time to make money whether the market is going up or down.

If you’re new to options or have struggled with them in the past, this is the course for you.

Module 1 Your Option Foundation Builder

Here, we’ll cover the building blocks that you need to know in order to build a successful options trade.  

  • How calls & puts work, so you can confidently use them in your trades 
  • Which terms to focus on, so you don’t waste time or get frustrated
  • How option pricing works, so you don’t get taken advantage of

Module 2 Trade Set-Up Calls

This is all about leveraging your money and profiting during up markets. You’ll learn:  

  • How to pick the right strike & expiration sweet spot  
  • How to identify the best time to place the trade for explosive profits  
  • The core principles of setting up these trades, so you know your risk & reward 

Module 3 Trade Set-Up Puts

The market doesn’t always go up, even though you hear that a lot from the gurus. You need to know how to make money when the market moves down. Here, you’ll learn: 

  • Exactly how Puts work, so you can profit when stocks move down 
  • How to pick the right strike & expiration sweet spot 
  • How to identify the best time to place the trade for explosive profits 

Module 4 Trade Selection

You don’t want to spend hours of your life digging around looking for trades…Here, you’ll learn:

  • How to quickly find the best stocks for your trades (both bullish & bearish!)
  • How to match your trades to the market, so you stack probability in your favor
  • The criteria you need to look for to select the best option trade  

Module 5 Trade Management

A lot of people buy options like lottery tickets. They spend money, don’t win and lose all the money they paid. Instead, you want to have a plan whether the trade goes for you or against you, so you’re not sitting there frozen like a deer in the headlights. Here, you’ll learn:

  • How to set objectives, so you eliminate greed
  • When to exit the trade in case the market turns against you
  • How to be like a pilot and have a game plan ready for all circumstances

Module 6 Trade Execution

This is it! It’s time to place your trades. Here, you’ll learn:

  • How to enter your trades with your broker, so you get the best price
  • How & when you should place your exit order
  • Step-by-step checklists, so you set up and place your trades confidently  

Bonus Module

How to Trade Covered Calls for Income

Generating a consistent source of income is important for everyone. Covered calls are an option trade you must have in your toolbox. Here, you’ll learn:

  • The best time to trade covered calls
  • Core principles to set up Covered Calls correctly to collect income
  • How to manage the trade, so you are prepared for whatever happens

Register Today and Get...

The Full Options JumpStarter Course: – VALUE $795 Plus you get…1 Year Access to the Full Digital Course

  • Want to watch a session again? No problem! You will have a full year of access to the course in digital format which you can access at any time! You can even watch it on your mobile device!
  • All the modules & slides used in the course
  • Tests designed to check your knowledge
  • Plus, additional videos to help you get results faster
  • We’ve got you covered!  

Bonus 1

How to Trade Covered Calls for Income

VALUE $295 

Bonus 2

60 Days of Access to the VectorVest Enhanced software

(new accounts only)

VALUE $198

**Mastery Package Students ONLY**

Bonus 3

Bonus Module Taught LIVE

VALUE $295 

  • You're able to ask questions during the session to solidify your understanding.
  • We’ll have an extended Q&A session after the LIVE class to ensure you understand all the core concepts.  

Bonus 4

6 Live Mastery Support Sessions
VALUE $495 

  • Designed to help you implement the things you learn in the course. We’ll take a look at the things you’re doing & the questions you have and guide you.
  • If you can’t make those sessions, no problem. You’ll be able to submit your questions ahead of time via email, and we’ll send you a recording of the session.
  • We’ll be there to guide you through this entire process.  

That’s a total value over $2,000!

"The Options JumpStarter course has a clear, structured approach with plenty of analogies. This makes it much easier to remember things. It leaves no questions unanswered when trading the market long or short.

I certainly feel more settled and comfortable to make trades knowing that I have a set of rules that work. Having a structured routine is comforting. At the same time, there is flexibility and it is intellectually stimulating.

Prior to the course, all the information was jumbled in my head. You have helped me join the dots and I now feel that I really understand what I am doing when I place a trade."

- Alan L.  

Special Price ends Monday, March 17th at 6:00PM ET
Registration closes Tuesday, March 18th at 5:00PM ET 

Self-Study Package

$295 US (reg $495)

  • Full Options JumpStarter Course
  • 1 Year Access to the Digital Course
  • How to Trade Covered Calls
  • 60 Days of the VectorVest software
  • Bonus Modules Taught LIVE w/ Q&A
  • 6 LIVE Mastery Support Sessions

Mastery Package (BEST VALUE)

$495 US (reg $795)

  • Full Options JumpStarter Course
  • 1 Year Access to the Digital Course
  • How to Trade Covered Calls
  • 60 Days of the VectorVest software
  • Bonus Modules Taught LIVE w/ Q&A
  • 6 LIVE Mastery Support Sessions

What People Are Saying

"I recently “quasi” retired having left my company after 24 years. I took this course to learn basic strategies to reduce risk and gain better odds for success and I loved it!

If you’re like me and you’ve never traded options before, I would stress that you should NOT make a move until you’ve completed this course.

Everyone needs to know that options are not a “crap shoot” and that there are disciplines and rules that can put the odds in a trader’s favor to profit and do so consistently.

Emotionally, I’d say that when I do enter my trades, I do so with MUCH more confidence and that I’ve done my best for a positive outcome. Hence, I’ve removed the emotion.

Psychologically, I feel the outcome of my trades will be positive and I’ll be making money and that puts me in a great psychological state as I know options do NOT have to be a gamble like a roulette wheel as I previously thought."

- Roger B. 

"Over the years, I’ve had three different financial advisors, and none of them ever made any money for me. One actually lost 45-50% of my money. About five years ago, I decided to take control of things. I didn’t know anything about options and decided I wanted to learn about them, so I took the Options JumpStarter course.

This is a great course and you can really learn about options and all the parameters that you should use in setting up a trade. It has a wealth of knowledge. I don’t see how anyone could trade options without having any knowledge about trading options.

From the very start to the end, everything in the course has really helped me."

- Owen J. 

"I’m self-employed and have been investing for 15 years. I learned the hard way by making mistakes and was taken advantage of by brokers. I knew I needed to become a better investor and trader.

The Options JumpStarter was the perfect course for the beginner. It taught me all the basics that I was looking for. Great staff & great course!

Jim, Brian and Todd take the extra time to make sure that all questions are answered. They work hard to get everyone involved. They know you only get out what you put forward and they do their best to get the class involved in learning and understanding.

Financially, I am up 100K. Tenfold compared to buying and holding stock in a very short time. Leverage is wonderful.

Emotionally, I feel I’m able to make as much as anyone. I can sleep at night with no concerns of my investment choice.

I now know when to enter and exit the trade.

I would recommend this course for everyone that wants to live comfortably or have the ability to retire. This course and VectorVest are a blessing."

- David G.

"I would most definitely recommend the JumpStarter course because VectorVest actually teaches a person what to do, and do it right. Prior to taking the course, I paid thousands of dollars for someone to tell me trades to make. He never taught me anything, just emailed me trades. I ended up losing on almost all of them. I soon realized I had the intelligence and the desire to learn to trade for myself.

The JumpStarter course was all informational and explained in detail how to do something. It actually seemed more like a true classroom experience, with the teacher, students asking questions and getting answers, which is the way it should be.

WOW!!! With VectorVest telling me which stocks are the best ones and the direction of the market, then with what I learned in the course for buying and selling calls and puts, how can I lose? I’m already up thousands with the stocks and options I purchased. This really lifted my spirits.

If you believe in yourself and want to really learn how to get started trading, then you must believe in “VectorVest.” They will not let you down.

Great job to all of you and I’ll give myself a pat on the back too! :)"

- Jay M.

"I took the JumpStarter course because I wanted command of more tools than just buying & selling stocks. I felt I could not take advantage of my limited funds if I did not have better leverage.

I was afraid as a beginner, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the class.

However, it went at a slow and detailed pace. Important aspects were repeated and it dispensed with the technical jargon that was intimidating elsewhere.

It taught rules and methods and most importantly it was not based on gut feel, but rational analysis and statistics.

I feel I better understand the fundamental concepts, the mechanics of selection, the cautions, and the rules within which to use options safely.

This is a course that allows you to walk into the water at a lakeside beach, one step at a time, instead of standing at the seashore with an oncoming tsunami!"

- Erach B.

"This course is “must know” information for anybody trading options. If only I could have known this from the beginning, I would gladly have paid ten times the fee. No one else teaches this information and I’ve looked for 17 years!

When I heard the instructor relate his experiences with options, I felt that here, at last, is someone who has solved the riddle that I have struggled with for so long. I wanted in!

Now that I know what I know, I cannot imagine going into a trade without this knowledge. This course was just what I was looking for and just what I needed to give me back my confidence and regain the edge to do it right this time. Thank you so much."

- Gordon M.

"I’d classify myself as a conservative investor. I would mostly buy and hold safe stocks for longer terms. Even though I made good money, I felt that I needed to employ protection strategies without necessarily selling my stocks every time the market decided to have a 10% off sale.

I took the Options JumpStarter to learn how to use options as a protection strategy.

My favorite part of the course was when it finally dawned on me how useful options are. I really enjoyed the basics and the “Pro Tips” during each session.

I now feel confident that I can utilize options. I know what options are, when to use them, what I should buy and how to protect my trade.

I would definitely recommend this course. The knowledge can change the way you trade. Options are a great tool that can make investing less stressful.

Options are neither difficult to understand or dangerous to use. The cost of the course will more than be made up for in improved trading strategy."

- Dave M.

"Prior to taking this course, I seriously doubted I’d ever get my head around options. Frankly, options baffled me, and I had concerns that I still wouldn’t understand them after taking the course.

But now, this course has moved that ball far down the field.

I am MUCH more confident in my ability to understand and trade options. The biggest change by far is my willingness to even consider trading options.

I would absolutely recommend this course. The pace and syllabus are spot on. Anyone who applies himself to absorbing this material cannot help but gain a firm grasp of options and how they work in the real world.

If you are sincere about learning how options work, you need look no farther than this course. It’s a bargain at twice the price."

- Gordon B.

"Basically, investing was hit or miss for me. Actually, more miss than hit. My frustration was constantly losing money. I felt if I didn’t fix things, I’d have to find another source for income.  

I heard about the Options JumpStarter course and was hesitant because I thought it was just another scheme to fleece poor investors. I was wrong.  

This is the best course I have taken. It takes nothing for granted. It assumes every student has no experience with options and builds a firm foundation of options and reinforces it.  

Since the beginning of class, I personally have been tracking my trades. I have been using some things I learned through the course. I am in a position I am not accustomed to and that’s making money."

- Kennith E.

"I wish I had taken this course 20 years ago. It gives you the basics of puts and calls with some simple rules and strategies that you can understand and implement very easily.

In the past, I’ve read about options but never really felt comfortable enough to actually trade them. This course got me there. It’s given me basic knowledge, a plan with specific recommendations, the confidence to be comfortable in acting on that plan and even shown an example of how to actually place the trades on several of the most common broker platforms. It won’t make you an expert overnight, but it can get you in the game to make some money.

I missed a few of the live courses, so I was glad for the videos I could watch at my convenience which allowed me to quickly catch up.

The bonus session on covered calls alone makes this course worth it. It spurred me to look at stocks in my IRA and dump some of the losers and place covered calls on others.

With the knowledge I’ve got now, I should be able to generate some good profits!"

- Douglas H.