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VectorVest's 29-year history as a leader in the financial industry has resulted in a real-world, tested and proven Market Timing System that you can trust...instead of the wild, ratings-driven predictions spouted by "experts."
You get simple and effective, rule-based signals that help you keep your portfolio on the right side of the market.
It's simple: the Market Timing Gauge works like a traffic light. You'll understand instantly when to buy & when NOT to buy.
Don't stop there though - VectorVest's Market Guidance Daily Video gives you the latest, in-depth expert guidance with a personal touch.
The secret to VectorVest's success lies in its proprietary indicators. Behind the scenes, complex algorithms take care of all the tedious research and data crunching, so you can make faster, smarter, better decisions.
The internet can be a free source, but who do you trust? Which "experts" know what they're talking about, and which ones are blowing smoke?
TV can be even worse. Ratings have more influence than the facts.
Newsletters only cover a handful of stocks at a time, and subscribing to the best still doesn't give you all the information you need, exactly when you need it, in today's fast-paced world.
Now, you will have access to a new source, a better source – VectorVest's Premium WatchLists.
You get complete access to more than a dozen of VectorVest's top-performing stock lists. Each list is powered by a specialty search that runs non-stop on VectorVest's database to find and deliver the best stocks.
You'll always have the latest and greatest stock picks any time you need them!
VectorVest's dynamic graphs are simple, yet powerful. Display the buy/sell/hold ratings for any stock or add VectorVest's unique Relative Timing Trend Indicator to spot potential reversals before they happen.